Harmony at Home
Imagine a group of musicians each playing a different song, in a different key at a different tempo. It would be chaos – and it would sound terrible.
Now imagine a family like that.
If you’ve ever played, sung, or performed musically…

Teaching Tolerance
When we were newlyweds ourselves, JoAnn and I were often successful matchmakers. We had one friend in particular - a talented, smart, and handsome co-worker of mine named Phil -- who was very eligible and very single. I was pretty direct with…

On Fame and Fatherhood
“Don’t get a big head” was what I heard from my high school soccer coach. I had just debuted as the team goalie and we had beaten our biggest rival in a 1-0 shutout. After a childhood filled with criticism fueling piles of self-doubt,…

Building Your Creative Child
I’ve encountered a number of parents who, in their zeal to have “creative” children, resist discipline in their parenting process. They explain that they “want their child to be free to create” and to be “undiminished by structure”…

Necessity is the Mother of Happiness
None of us should expect to be happy all the time. We can, however, choose to be happy most of the time, and being happy is not only a matter of perspective, but also a healthy long-term strategy. Although the expression is "Necessity is…

A Lazy Dad is Not All Bad
“Lazy” isn’t a word that is often associated with “better,” but I must confess that I am, and have always been, a lazy father. Sure, I’ve coached a lot teams, driven a bunch of carpools and changed my share of diapers – but I’ve…

A Great Birthday Gift for Toddlers
There are few better opportunities to teach our children about the feelings of others than their birthdays – and the way we celebrate them.
Birthday parties thrown for one-year-olds are clearly done for the benefit of the parents and posterity. …

K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple from the Start
Yesterday, I had the very entertaining opportunity to participate in morning drop-off at a local pre-school. In my capacity at the door, I observed several parenting styles at work – some I thought were quite efficient, and some I observed…

Happy Parents = Happy Kids
I wrote “Raising Children That Other People Like to be Around” because, after 36 years of marriage and 4 children, I believe that being good parents requires us to set a good example – and having a good relationship is the first, most…

The Blue / Pink Thing
The Blue Pink Thing is a simple term for the obvious (and not so obvious) differences between the genders. If you’re raising both boys and girls, I’m sure you are already aware of the Blue Pink Thing. As John Gray put it, “Men are…