Tag Archive for: discipline

Parenting the Puppy – Pupdate #2
This puppy thing is a lot of work. Just as with our children, we console ourselves by saying, “If we put the work in now, we’ll have less to do later.” But that doesn't diminish the magnitude of the required dedication at all.
Our friend…

The Kid Pro Quo
According to Merriam Webster Online, a quid pro quo is “something that is given to you or done for you in return for something you have given to or done for someone else.”
I believe in the Kid Pro Quo, which I define as “something that…

PUPdate #1
A lot can happen in a week. Although the puppy has had her share of “accidents,” all in all she’s doing a very good job of being a puppy; chewing on things, fighting imaginary foes, running in circles – all the regular stuff.

Confessions of a Former Spanker
Many important issues are raised by the abuse Adrian Peterson, of the Minnesota Vikings, administered to his son. Although there is absolutely NO justification for Peterson’s behavior, and he has been arrested on a felony charge, there are…

Parenting the Puppy
We had plans to go out tomorrow night, but those have been cancelled. We’ve been binge watching TV lately, but now we’re too tired. It’s been two days since we got…the puppy!
She’s a Golden Retriever. She’s ten weeks old. She’s…

Raising Kids in a Modern Family
If I could tell parents one thing, I would caution against thinking or emoting on behalf of their children. I would tell them that their young children don’t care if they are a working mom, or a stay at home dad, or a traveling salesperson.…

Harmony at Home
Imagine a group of musicians each playing a different song, in a different key at a different tempo. It would be chaos – and it would sound terrible.
Now imagine a family like that.
If you’ve ever played, sung, or performed musically…

Building Your Creative Child
I’ve encountered a number of parents who, in their zeal to have “creative” children, resist discipline in their parenting process. They explain that they “want their child to be free to create” and to be “undiminished by structure”…

K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple from the Start
Yesterday, I had the very entertaining opportunity to participate in morning drop-off at a local pre-school. In my capacity at the door, I observed several parenting styles at work – some I thought were quite efficient, and some I observed…