Tag Archive for: wisdom

On Fame and Fatherhood
“Don’t get a big head” was what I heard from my high school soccer coach. I had just debuted as the team goalie and we had beaten our biggest rival in a 1-0 shutout. After a childhood filled with criticism fueling piles of self-doubt,…

Building Your Creative Child
I’ve encountered a number of parents who, in their zeal to have “creative” children, resist discipline in their parenting process. They explain that they “want their child to be free to create” and to be “undiminished by structure”…

Necessity is the Mother of Happiness
None of us should expect to be happy all the time. We can, however, choose to be happy most of the time, and being happy is not only a matter of perspective, but also a healthy long-term strategy. Although the expression is "Necessity is…

A Great Birthday Gift for Toddlers
There are few better opportunities to teach our children about the feelings of others than their birthdays – and the way we celebrate them.
Birthday parties thrown for one-year-olds are clearly done for the benefit of the parents and posterity. …

Happy Parents = Happy Kids
I wrote “Raising Children That Other People Like to be Around” because, after 36 years of marriage and 4 children, I believe that being good parents requires us to set a good example – and having a good relationship is the first, most…

The Blue / Pink Thing
The Blue Pink Thing is a simple term for the obvious (and not so obvious) differences between the genders. If you’re raising both boys and girls, I’m sure you are already aware of the Blue Pink Thing. As John Gray put it, “Men are…

Put Down The Controller (and Nobody Gets Hurt)
My name is Richard, and I am an addict.
When my children were young and asleep I used to sneak into our family room, power up our Nintendo, and quietly play the now-ancient video game with infectious music called “The Legend of Zelda” into…

Are You a WIMPY Parent ?
Here are five quick tests:
Do you…let your children boss you around? (Do they say things like “Where’s my breakfast?”)
Do you…make excuses for your children? (“She would have said ‘Thank you.’ but she was too busy playing.”)

“The Circle Game”
As my children have gotten older and more self-sufficient, I’ve seen them become more “objective” about the hard-earned advice I offer. They no longer hear my voice as if it were thunder on the mountaintop. As my role in their lives…

My mom would have been ninety-two last week. Here are three gems she left me:
Don’t be so open minded that your brain falls out.
All of us have been in situations where our better nature overrides our common sense. I’ve loaned money…