Tag Archive for: marriage

Raising Kids in a Modern Family
If I could tell parents one thing, I would caution against thinking or emoting on behalf of their children. I would tell them that their young children don’t care if they are a working mom, or a stay at home dad, or a traveling salesperson.…

Harmony at Home
Imagine a group of musicians each playing a different song, in a different key at a different tempo. It would be chaos – and it would sound terrible.
Now imagine a family like that.
If you’ve ever played, sung, or performed musically…

Teaching Tolerance
When we were newlyweds ourselves, JoAnn and I were often successful matchmakers. We had one friend in particular - a talented, smart, and handsome co-worker of mine named Phil -- who was very eligible and very single. I was pretty direct with…

On Fame and Fatherhood
“Don’t get a big head” was what I heard from my high school soccer coach. I had just debuted as the team goalie and we had beaten our biggest rival in a 1-0 shutout. After a childhood filled with criticism fueling piles of self-doubt,…

Happy Parents = Happy Kids
I wrote “Raising Children That Other People Like to be Around” because, after 36 years of marriage and 4 children, I believe that being good parents requires us to set a good example – and having a good relationship is the first, most…

The Parent Questionnaire
Our own life experience is our greatest parenting resource. In my book, Raising Children That Other People Like to be Around”, I suggest that parenting is like driving a cab: if you don’t at least ACT like you know the way, your passengers…