Tag Archive for: dad says

Confessions of a Former Spanker
Many important issues are raised by the abuse Adrian Peterson, of the Minnesota Vikings, administered to his son. Although there is absolutely NO justification for Peterson’s behavior, and he has been arrested on a felony charge, there are…

Parenting the Puppy
We had plans to go out tomorrow night, but those have been cancelled. We’ve been binge watching TV lately, but now we’re too tired. It’s been two days since we got…the puppy!
She’s a Golden Retriever. She’s ten weeks old. She’s…

Parenting – The Shared Adventure
What happens when two strong individuals come together to raise a child? Are they able to surrender control? How do they deal with sharing tasks? Who gets to be right and who gets to be wrong? How can they make positive communication…

Necessity is the Mother of Happiness
None of us should expect to be happy all the time. We can, however, choose to be happy most of the time, and being happy is not only a matter of perspective, but also a healthy long-term strategy. Although the expression is "Necessity is…

A Lazy Dad is Not All Bad
“Lazy” isn’t a word that is often associated with “better,” but I must confess that I am, and have always been, a lazy father. Sure, I’ve coached a lot teams, driven a bunch of carpools and changed my share of diapers – but I’ve…

The Blue / Pink Thing
The Blue Pink Thing is a simple term for the obvious (and not so obvious) differences between the genders. If you’re raising both boys and girls, I’m sure you are already aware of the Blue Pink Thing. As John Gray put it, “Men are…

Are You a WIMPY Parent ?
Here are five quick tests:
Do you…let your children boss you around? (Do they say things like “Where’s my breakfast?”)
Do you…make excuses for your children? (“She would have said ‘Thank you.’ but she was too busy playing.”)

“The Circle Game”
As my children have gotten older and more self-sufficient, I’ve seen them become more “objective” about the hard-earned advice I offer. They no longer hear my voice as if it were thunder on the mountaintop. As my role in their lives…

Talking With Kids About Ukraine
I’ve been doing a lot of media lately, specifically about how to speak to our children about the situation in Ukraine.
It is my experience, theory, and observation that we all like to feel safe – especially children – so the idea of introducing…

What’s a Mommy or a Daddy Anyway?
In a previous blog I addressed the folly of parents too frequently accepting excuses from our children. I also mentioned the possibility of parents actually making up excuses on behalf of their kids – as in, they…