Tag Archive for: simple musts

The Homework Heretic
It’s back-to-school time and homework is in the news. Mrs. Brandy Young, a brilliant second-grade teacher in Godley, Texas sent a note home to parents explaining that her students would have no “formally assigned” homework this year.…

Self-Respect – A Key Parenting Ingredient
Teaching our children respect for others starts with teaching them respect for us, and this can be done without sacrificing our children's individuality or personal development. First, we have to believe in the importance of our role as parents,…

Kanye’s Silver Lining
Yep, we almost saw it again, Kanye West deciding that his musical opinion trumps all others – and that he is the true arbiter of all musical “art.” Part of the good news is that we didn't see it – at least we didn’t see the rude…

Parenting the Puppy
We had plans to go out tomorrow night, but those have been cancelled. We’ve been binge watching TV lately, but now we’re too tired. It’s been two days since we got…the puppy!
She’s a Golden Retriever. She’s ten weeks old. She’s…

Parenting – The Shared Adventure
What happens when two strong individuals come together to raise a child? Are they able to surrender control? How do they deal with sharing tasks? Who gets to be right and who gets to be wrong? How can they make positive communication…

K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple from the Start
Yesterday, I had the very entertaining opportunity to participate in morning drop-off at a local pre-school. In my capacity at the door, I observed several parenting styles at work – some I thought were quite efficient, and some I observed…

Are You a WIMPY Parent ?
Here are five quick tests:
Do you…let your children boss you around? (Do they say things like “Where’s my breakfast?”)
Do you…make excuses for your children? (“She would have said ‘Thank you.’ but she was too busy playing.”)

5 Easy Parenting Resolutions
Here are 5 do-able resolutions that can help you and your family make the most of the coming year.
1. Ambush Your Kids With Something Positive Every Day
I was recently speaking at an elementary school when one of the parents asked about consequences…

5 Things Every Husband (and Father) Should Know
As this week marks the thirty-sixth year of my marriage, I thought I’d try to offer some of the little lessons I have learned through co-habitation.
None of us is entitled to the “perfect” partner. We just don’t come out of the box…

I wrote "Raising Children That Other People Like to be Around" to guide parents toward a better understanding of their roles - as moms and dads, as well as parenting partners - because the core strength of a family comes from the leadership…