Tag Archive for: commonsense

Where Are The Parents?
Another school shooting today, this time in Maryland. This time the “bad guy with a gun” was killed by a “good guy with a gun.” But, the bad guy was 17 years old, so even though there was someone there to put an end to it, I have…

One Foot In Front of the Other
It's hard to be happy all of the time.
People say I’m an optimist… and, by most accounts, including my own, I would have to agree. Some days however, getting out of bed is not something that I look forward to. On those days, life is…

United We Go – Up Up and Away
I’ve got a lot bouncing around in my head lately, and although it's about our country, very little of it has to do with Washington. Fact is, I think it has something to do with what I see as the state of our "United" States.
Is Dr. Dao of…

Patriotic Parenting – Making America Great Again
Do it by raising great children. A “great” country needs great citizens… and building great citizens begins with focused and responsible parenting. Here are 5 ways that I believe patriotic parents can raise intelligent, inspired…

Building A Happy Family – 3 New Lessons
Even though I've written a book about parenting, the process of building a happy family continues to evolve, and after raising four children over a period of thirty-six years, there are a few things that stand out as lessons learned. Here…

Being a Team Player
I’ve been getting a lot of calls lately about Adam LaRoche. He’s the former Chicago White Sox player who retired last week after being asked to limit the amount of time his 14-year-old son, Drake, was spending with the team.
There wasn’t…

Self-Respect – A Key Parenting Ingredient
Teaching our children respect for others starts with teaching them respect for us, and this can be done without sacrificing our children's individuality or personal development. First, we have to believe in the importance of our role as parents,…

The Problem with Perfection
They say "nobody's perfect," and they're right. Perfection is a myth.
The problem is, that if we look at Instagram, Facebook, or other social media postings, it might appear that a lot of people have really perfect lives.

The Evolving Dad
We’re evolving – all of us – and so is our world, or should I say “our worlds” as each of us is surrounded by our own experience.
As society has shifted away from the “good ‘ol days” (a “Madmen” episode filled with smoke…

3 Simple Solutions to 3 Common Parenting Challenges
There are very few things that I find “absolute” in parenting. What works for one family may not work for another… except for the three strategies I am about to share with you. These primarily concern multi-child households. They worked…