Tag Archive for: common sense


I’ve been traveling on business a lot lately, which means I’ve been spending a lot of time finding my way through airports and figuring out menus in restaurants.  Every airport situation is different – but traveling through them involves…

There’s No Vaccination for Stupidity

My mother had a poster by her favorite chair.  It read, "There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action." - Goethe It appears that, despite proven facts (as opposed to other facts), Jenny McCarthy continues to believe that vaccinations…


We are days away from the release of my book, so I thought I'd share a little more... Everyone is capable of creating a wonderful family, and "Raising Children That Other People Like to be Around" is structured around five simple principles…

Beginning In The Middle

Hello Dear Readers ! This marks the beginning of my experience as a blogger.  I am the father of four children - three boys and a girl (in that order) and I will be using my anecdotal and, hopefully entertaining, experiences as a father…